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Please make sure that you have read the RAILring page of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) before reading this guidelines page. For the benefit of all members of the TrainWeb RAILring and the sponsors that make this RAILring possible, there are certain guidelines that need be be followed by websites that wish to participate in the TrainWeb RAILring. These guidelines are as follows:

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    RAILring Guidelines

  • Sites must be rail related: railfanning, model railroading, rail travel, rail history, etc. Sites can be either from individuals, companies or organizations, commercial or non-commercial.

  • Sites must be appropriate for all ages and not contain any type of adult material.

  • When registering your site, only use the URL (web address) of the main [home] page of your site.

  • Once we provide you with the RAILring HTML code unique for your site, it has to be pasted to your website exactly as provided to you without any modifications.

  • The RAILring HTML code has to appear on the main [home] page of your site.

  • The Following is a sample of how the TrainWeb RAILring will appear on your site.

  • Click Here!

    DO NOT attempt to paste the HTML code from the source code of this page to your website! Once you have submitted your site to the TrainWeb RAILring, you will be given unique HTML code for your site along with a login ID and password.

  • Any website which is already a member of the TrainWeb Webring (originally from www.webring.org - bought by YAHOO!) needs to re-register with us to get the new RAILring HTML code. Please remove our OLD webring code before placing this new RAILring code on your website.

If you wish to add your site to the TrainWeb RAILring, your site must conform to the above guidelines. If you have difficulty agreeing to the above guidelines, we strongly suggest that you read the FAQ page before deciding not to participate in the TrainWeb RAILring. Click here to review the benefits of becoming a member of the TrainWeb RAILring and the reasons for these particular guidelines. TrainWeb reserves the right to reject submissions for sites which do not follow these guidelines. TrainWeb also reserves the right to remove any site from the RAILring without prior notice that strays from these guidelines. If future changes are made to these guidelines, those changes will be listed on this page. You will be sent an e-mail regarding any significant changes and will be given reasonable opportunity to apply any required changes to your own site.

If you have read and agree to follow these guidelines, then
CLICK HERE to register your website for the TrainWeb RAILring!

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